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How Lamar's Bad Prank Won A Bubba-Sized Trophy (2011)

by Crystal Allen(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
0061992720 (ISBN13: 9780061992728)
Balzer + Bray
review 1: Any book that makes me laugh and cry gets all stars. I had a hard time, at first, adjusting to the strong voice in this book. But eventually I fell in love with Lamar's 13-year-old character. He has an older brother who bullies him, he has a dad who doesn't understand him, his mother is already dead, he's got wheezy lungs that won't let him play any sport other than bowling, and he pulls dozens of immature pranks. As soon as I got over Lamar's bravado and comic-book style word choice, the story caught hold of me and I couldn't quit reading. The descriptions of bowling and the bowling scene are priceless. You just want Lamar to succeed, even though the odds are stacked against him and he makes terrible choices.
review 2: Crystal Allen, what a great new up and co
... moreming writing!! The story of Lamar would be a great book for teen boys. Lamar has a back story which deserves a prequel, he has pulled a lot of pranks almost to point of being a prank bully. The shows the legacy of pranking in his social life with other other students. Now that he wants to been seen as serious and more adult his prankster history marks him. Lamar is also dealing with some serious family issues, and find his way into a relationship with a kid who hustle's Lamar favorite game bowling. The writer Allen's has a lot of surprises for the reader and brings to life Lamar a teen just trying to figure things out who loves to bowl. less
Reviews (see all)
Very funny, and very predictable. But you don't get many bowling books.
Loved the voice! Best book I've read in a long time.
Not a bad book. Not my favorite though.
VERY corny and just Dumb!
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