Jenny Nelson
3.41 of 5 Votes: 2
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Books by Jenny Nelson
3.41 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: It was an easy book to read (I read it in three days). I did have a slight problem in some sections due to the overly descriptive scenery. I also felt that the ending felt a bit forced and was completely predictable. Overall, I read this novel fairly quickly and enjoyed it. It wa...
3.41 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: Вочевидь, новий (або принаймні для мене новий) напрям chiсklit - для фуді. Той самий одвічний пошук себе після лавини невдач на всіх фронтах, особистому в першу чергу. Тільки щоб убити час. Передбачуване. Без цікавих подробиць. Просто багато їжі, ще б пак, головна героїня - шеф-к...
3.41 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: It wasn't great literature, but it was one of the best books in the light reading with a woman main character of a marriageable age trying to make a go of her life genre that I have read in a while. Her career and the dreams around it took center stage as often as her love life ...
3.41 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: If you've ever seen a movie on Lifetime TV, or even a preview for a movie on Lifetime TV, you can predict every plot element in "Georgia's Kitchen". Worse yet, I found many of the characters unlikable or otherwise snobby. There were likable moments- the descriptions of the two be...