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The Island Nurse (2012)

by Mary J. Macleod(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 2
1845967909 (ISBN13: 9781845967901)
Mainstream Publishing
review 1: I enjoy reading books written by nurses, doctors, and veterinarians about their experiences, and this one was made more interesting by taking place in the 70's in the Hebrides. Descriptions of the amazing scenery and weather made me want to see it for myself. The people on the island were unique in their culture and manner, and the geography and limited resources definitely made doing one's job more challenging. I have no complaints about the book, and there is nothing I can say I did not enjoy. I would like to have heard just a bit more about how the author and her family transformed their croft house from decaying derelict to livable family home, but it wasn't necessary to enjoy the book's contents.
review 2: Nurse Mary J wrote this book at age 80, her fi
... morerst book. How admirable! A delightful memoir of her life on a remote Scottish Isle in the early 1970's. The title is a little misleading as her book is much more than a book about her nursing career, it is about living life as if in a bygone era. She richly describes the island geography, weather, and most importantly, the people and how they survive life without the things we all take for granted, such as electricity and running water. Her writing style is easy and relaxing, I can almost see her sitting at the table with pen in one hand and a cup of tea in the other letting her mind wander back to Papavray. That she fell in love with the people and place is no surprise. Lovely read! less
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A fun book full of stories from my lifetime yet in a different culture. I really enjoyed it.
A very interesting look into life in the very isolated Scotland islands. Enjoyable.
Interesting memoir of a nurse in the Scottish Isles
Pleasant read!
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