The Year of Taking Chances 4 (Chapters 10 – 12)


Gemma’s situation at home is getting too much. Spencer is tetchy all the time, and she feels so powerless that Caitlin finds her sobbing in the supermarket. Caitlin invites her to her house for some tea, and Gemma explains her situation to Caitlin, who is sympathetic. Gemma also discovers that Caitlin’s mother was Jane, the midwife that helped deliver her children, and thanks to Jane, Darcey saved her life. When the girl was still a baby, she wouldn’t feed, so it was thanks to Jane that the baby was rushed to the hospital and connected onto a drip. I think this conversation makes both of them, Caitlin and Gemma, feel better.

Another thing that makes Gemma uncomfortable is to find out that her father has a girlfriend, Judy, and he has every intention to change his life. When they meet, he tells Gemma that he wants to get himself a wife, and Judy might be the one. Gemma is worried because her father tends to choose the least suitable women. Even her mother was a bad choice as she left him for an Ibizan man many years ago. Maybe Gemma’s worries are ungrounded, and Judy could be a lovely woman who could be ideal for her dad.

Now that Saffron has decided to have her baby, she knows she has to tell Max. So she emails him and suggests they have a drink. They meet and have a good laugh, and then when she is to launch into her confession, a man and two women turn up. They are colleagues of his, but one of the women, Mia, perches on his lap and kisses him on the lips. Saffron realises that an attractive man like him wouldn’t have many problems to find someone else when she foolishly blew him off. Now Saffron has lost her chance to tell him that he is going to be a father, and I am afraid that after this disappointment, she is going to keep her baby a secret from him. Oh my, I feel so sorry for Saffron, but I hope that she finally musters the courage to tell him. I bet that Max longs for her and it is clear they have great chemistry. If only she could be honest with him!!!

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