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No Biking In The House Without A Helmet (2011)

by Melissa Fay Greene(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 1
0374223068 (ISBN13: 9780374223069)
Sarah Crichton Books
review 1: Depending on which part I was reading at the time, I found this book hilarious; inspiring; sad; heartwarming - you name it. I am impressed at the way that Greene was able to select just the right parts to condense years of family and adoptive experiences into one book (clearly her family could provide material for numerous books ;-) Although the reader's own experience (or lack of experience) with large families and/or the international adoption process would provide very different frameworks for reading this book, there is something familiar and universal about the desire to be part of a family - and Greene weaves that throughout the entire book. An enjoyable read.
review 2: Greene's book is as much a story of the complexities of international adoption as i
... moret is about the crazy antics of a large family. Focusing on the specific members of her family, Greene incorporates research and statistics about adoption and the experience of visiting orphanages in impoverished countries. She is honest about the joys and challenges an adopted child, particularly one with a radically different cultural background, can bring to a family in the US. Overall, No Biking in the House Without a Helmet is a humorous and insightful read. less
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wonderful insights into international adoption, parenting, siblings, identity and family.
Funny and poignant. I learned a ton about international adoption. Great education!
I listened to this book in the car. Truly extraordinary!
This is an amazing and uplifting book
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