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If You Come To California (2012)

by Nichole Naumann(Favorite Author)
4.15 of 5 Votes: 3
1461154944 (ISBN13: 9781461154945)
review 1: 3.5 stars....This book reads like a teenage soap. It's predictable at times, but you can't stop reading it.I hated every single character, but the story itself was what kept me reading it.They're a bunch of self-absorbed, racist, xenophobic attention seeking, privileged white kids. They hate Mexicans, but love Mexican culture apparently. SNL and Noah were tolerable. I really liked them.Enough about the characters, the plot itself was fantastic. I was hooked from the first page. There were twists and turns all the time. You think you're just reading a story about a girl who wants to get on an American Idol type show, but it's much much more than that. I liked the way it was written and I would definitely read more from the author. I'm looking forward to seeing what else she... more can produce.
review 2: I read this book in about two days. Once you start reading you won't be able to put it down. The author is an excellent story teller who weaves a climatic tale surrounding the marvels and dangers of LA, of betrayal, falling in love and growing up. In the style of Kevin Brook's Candy, she draws you into the characters world, stringing you along as the story surmounts to its dramatic and fateful end. You will identify with this book if you have ever felt trapped in a mundane life, dreamed of moving to California or experienced the crazy highs and lows that accompany youths reckless and eager adventures. less
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Totally enjoyed it...def kept my interest throughout.
Free on Amazon 04.01.13
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