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Man On Wire (2000)

by Philippe Petit(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Philippe Petit's breathtaking story of "Le Coup," better know as his tightrope walk between the Twin Towers, continues to amaze me. From the beginning you know Petit is no ordinary person. As a young boy he finds his passion in tightrope walking. He throws himself into it and sets an amazing goal for himself. A goal that would make anyone think he is a madman. Petit decided the two tallest buildings in the world are his. They were build for one reason, for him to walk from the top of one to the other on a thin cable. Petit finds a way to fulfill his dream. His passion and drive for success overcomes any obstacles, even though there are many. When he steps onto that cable, your heart with skip a beat. The beauty of his art, his masterpiece of which he is creating, is almost... more tear provoking.In all, Philippe Petit is a wild Frenchman. He has the balls of a bull, and a hunger to fulfill his dream that propels him to success. This book captures his amazing adventure through short 1-3 page long chapters. His thoughts are sporadic, and he decides to convey them to us in such a way. I would recommend this book to anyone. This book will inspire you, rather Petit will inspire you. The lesson of this book is to never give up on your dream. The impossible is possible we are taught.If you like to read, you will like this book. Its that simple.
review 2: Phillipe Petit is more a magician/wire walker than writer, yet he has crafted this incredibly fascinating story of his strange and wondrous "coup" into an entertaining narrative. The poetry of his description of the actual walk sharply contrasts with the agony of getting there; the logistics involved were mind-boggling, time-consuming and exhausting. When he finally walked, he had been up all night working hard and was terribly dehydrated, yet he performed a feat few on the planet could manage. A triumph of the human spirit. This is inspirational stuff. The pictures are terrific. less
Reviews (see all)
I was unable to finish this book because it was so boring - and the author was incredibly arrogant.
Fascinating! Especially for someone afraid of heights, like me. ;)
Follow your passions, even if they are the craziest ideas ever.
Great read. Loved it!
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