Books by Priya Basil
2.73 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: As this is from the Quick Reads set, I assume that there was some kind of limit as to the length and the author couldn't find anything to cut. This is the only way that the abrupt ending can be explained anything close to satisfactorily. The rest of the book was quite good, rea...
3.44 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: Dilema između vjere i ljubavi- apsolutno uvjerljivo. Ponekad poželim pročitati dobru knjigu u kojoj je tema ljubav, odnos i veza dvoje ljudi, kako se ta veza razvija i kako neke određene životne odrednice i okolina utječu na sudbinu te veze. Upravo je ova knjiga to o čemu sam čit...