Rain Mitchell
3.22 of 5 Votes: 2
Books by Rain Mitchell
3.2 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: Pretty much what I expected: a quick read with just enough plot to keep me engaged. And since I have a daughter who owns a yoga studio some of the events were especially familiar. It was fun to recognize some of the yoga references such as instructors who have almost achieved d...
3.2 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: Aivot narikkaan -hömppää, ilman minkäänlaista sisältöä tai sanomaa. Tietenkin kirjassa on paljon joogan kautta ammennettua viisautta ja syvällistä sanomaa, mutta kokonaisuus jää vaillinaiseksi. Aivan kivasti tuotu monta erilaista hahmoa eri taustoista. Lopulta hahmot kuitenkaan e...
3.2 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: Though the title and cover illustration peg this a chick fluff it far exceeded my expectations. The characters are constructed with depth, their interweaving lives and the storyline plausible. Granted, I am on a yoga kick and do happen to have an interest in the trendy Silver Lak...