Applying to Nick

In which Zac takes a short and unexpected detour from his game and novel projects.


The Nickelodeon Writing Fellowship is a one-year, salaried program that picks a handful of writers out of the thousands of applicants.  These writers work with industry professionals to sharpen their skills and–more importantly (as far as a career is concerned)–meet and network with said professionals.

When you inevitably get rejected, Nickelodeon sends you a real life envelope in the real life mail.  It’s orange.  It’s kind of awesome.

The application process requires you to write a spec script from a list of accepted shows.  Last year, I wrote a spec of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that I was pretty proud of.

Fun Fact: my spec scripts are available on my online portfolio

Now it’s that time of the year again, but I wasn’t mentally prepared, so the script is going to take all of my free time.  This means, no more work on my Batman Beyond fan game, and no more work on my novel, until I write this new spec script.

Goodbye sweet prince.

This year, I’m writing a spec of Archer.  In said script, Malory receives intel that an assassin is after Archer.  In order to protect him, she hires a bodyguard; this infuriates Archer until it’s revealed that the bodyguard is a gorgeous woman.  Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is stuck taking care of the bodyguard’s son, who she brought because it was “Bring Your Child to Work” day.

MALORY You’ll look after the kid and that’s final. (moving closer) And if anything happens to that little shit while his mother is guarding Sterling, I will buy a farm in Iowa, raise a herd of pigs, and feed you to them!

PAM Aw. That’s how my dog died. …And my grandpa.

In other news, I’ve reached level 50 in FFXIV, and I have 2mil gil.  I’m more successful online than IRL.  Which, I guess, is the point.

Nice opportunity for photos though.

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