For The Busy Reader: 30 Days, 30 Stories by Nia Forrester

Lately, it seems like everything that spews from my mouth is, “I ain’t got time…” And truthfully, I don’t. I’m working hella long hours only to come home and work even more on my side hustle. That leaves practically no free time for reading. A sista is biz-zee, ya heard?!

Well, I saw on my Facebook timeline that Nia Forrester has released a compilation of quickies for the busy woman like me (Not really, but humor me.) 30 Days, 30 Stories is all about women, from all walks of life with varying life circumstances. Sometimes, girl power ain’t about flexing your muscle but simply surviving and thriving in a society that doesn’t always wants us to win.

                                   Image via Pinterest

30 Days, 30 Stories is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Check it out!

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