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Strand Of Deception (2013)

by Robin Caroll(Favorite Author)
4.37 of 5 Votes: 2
1433672146 (ISBN13: 9781433672149)
B&H Books
Justice Seekers
review 1: Maddie Baxter is a Tennessee Bureau Investigator, she has a gun and a badge. She is a forensic scientist, and helps put the bad guys away, and occasionally helps get the innocent out of jail. Science doesn't lie.We have met Maddie's sister Riley, and her brother Rafe before. We catch up with them in this book, but this is more focused on Maddie.When a Senator's daughter is murdered, the FBI is called in. So Maddie and her brother's former boss Nick Hagar are put together. Maddie has collected samples and is working diligently with Nick, and they begin to date.This story has several cases in it, and many twists and turns. You guess, and guess again. Things keep changing. Through it all, Maddie and Nick keep working to bring justice, but can their relationship go any further... more if Nick is not a Christian.Things have happened in Nick's life that have made him doubt his faith, also will Maddie be able to trust Nick? She has had her heart broken a couple of times.If you enjoy mysteries, and there are a few here, this is the book for you!I received this book through First Wild Card Book Tours, and Net Galley, and was not required to give a positive review.
review 2: Maddie Baxter is a forensic scientist working for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. She believes that “Science never lies.” When a local politician’s daughter is found murdered, Maddie and the rest of the forensic team are called out to gather the evidence.Special Agent in Charge Nick Hagar is heading up the investigation. When he meets Maddie he is instantly attracted to her. One problem, Nick used to be her brothers boss. As they both work to find the killer Nick and Maddie’s relationship grows. Nick is bitter against God though and that may hinder any type of relationship that the two could have. As the case takes twists and turns Nick has to deal with personal emotions and misconceptions that he has believed since his brother’s death. Beliefs that have separated him from his faith for years now have to be faced since he met Maddie. Maddie has to deal with the guilt she feels over being the means of setting a criminal free. Confronted by the victim and believing once again that “Science never lies” Maddie sets out to find the real criminal. Maddie is the last of the Baxter siblings to find love. Her brother Rafe and sister Riley found romance in the first two novels of the Justice Seeker series:To Write a WrongInjustice for AllWhile I enjoyed STRAND OF DECEPTION, I think that it was lacking in the suspense that the other two novels had. I found all of the scientific and investigative techniques interesting and that was enough to keep me turning the pages along with the mystery of “who done it?” I also enjoyed catching up with Rafe and Remington and Riley and Hayden. It was fun to see Rafe go all “big brother” on Nick! less
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Another excellent read by Robin. No book written by Ms. Carroll is a disappointment.
Very good murder mystery book
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