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Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project: How One Anonymous Teacher Revealed The Truth About School Lunches --And How We Can Change Them! (2011)

by Sarah Wu(Favorite Author)
3.2 of 5 Votes: 3
1452102287 (ISBN13: 9781452102283)
Chronicle Books
review 1: I admire Sarah Wu's activism on an important issue, but I thought the book was a waste of time -- it was disorganized (recycling issues are discussed in the chapter "Fruit Juice is Pure Sugar"), focused as much or more on her personal issues as on societal ones, and was almost entirely anecdotal. She never claims to have training in nutrition, but her lack of knowledge is troublesome. For example, she thinks sugar is bad because it makes kids act up (there are lots of reasons to minimize sugar in the diet, but research does not support the notion that it generally causes behavior problems), and she didn't give her own son soy milk because she wanted him to "benefit from animal fats" (huh?). The most helpful part was the last chapter on how to be an activist; it would have ... moremade a nice magazine article.
review 2: It's not a subject I have a lot of personal interest in since my kid is homeschooled, but I used to read her blog and picked the book off the shelf at the library. I was interested in her journey from teacher to Internet celebrity and there's a certain morbid curiosity about the food. She can be a little judgmental sometimes, about fat people in particular. I think her blog is a better experience. less
Reviews (see all)
A must read for every parent that lets their kids eat from a public school lunch room!
An interesting book about school lunches. Doesn't say whether things changed or not.
Will change the way you look at processed food - school lunches or otherwise!
Interesting idea, unconvincing research and arguments.
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