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La Lunga Strada Per Tornare A Casa (2014)

by Saroo Brierley(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: Closer to 2.5 stars. I haven't "researched" this book yet but something about the story felt unrealistic. I understand it is a "memoir" which is why I feel I need to research a bit more before I pass final judgement; but the idea of a 5 y/o roaming freely in India just seems odd and unreal. I appreciate India may/does have different ways of life but it is very hard for me to get my head around a 5 y/o being left to his own devices resulting in a train journey to a large city resulting in his adoption. I am sure it will make an entertaining movie but I am not sold on the truthfulness...yet.
review 2: Saroo's story will stay with me for a very long time. I almost cried listening to his story on audio; a very touching memoir. It is told from a realistic child's
... more perspective and then transitions to an adult's perspective. I felt so much pain for what he went through. The poverty in India is extreme and his family was literally starving. It broke my heart that his sister ate coal as a toddler. The book really gave an vivid impression of the harsh circumstances in India and the unstable environment of existing orphanages. I highly recommend this book and its is in my top 5 books I've read! less
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This book tells an amazing story but is not written very well.
Not the best written but certainly an incredible story.
An extremely inspiring and heartwarming story!
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