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Hope Unseen: The Story Of The U.S. Army's First Blind Active-Duty Officer (2010)

by Scotty Smiley(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 1
1439186820 (ISBN13: 9781439186824)
Howard Books
review 1: Encouroat the challenges. aging telling of a man who struggles to accept an awful situation. I appreciate that he doesn't sugarcoat the challenges. Since he is honest about the hardship, the victory is also believable. As a teacher, I especially liked his honest portrayal of his first teaching experiences. I plan to use his story in my class - to help students realize you only lose if you quit trying!
review 2: Captain Scotty Smiley, might not see things like we do, but it doesn't mean he doesn't see what is important and how to live his life despite seemingly difficult circumstances. While serving in Mosul in Iraq he became the target of a suicide bomber and subsequently lost his eyesight. He could have dealt with things as most of us would have and simply com
... moree home and attempt to live a life as best as he could now being completely blind, but he didn't. He did things most of us only imagine. He scaled the heights of Mt. Rainer, served as the army's first action-duty blind officer and its first blind company commander. He continues to inspire countless numbers of people including myself to stop feeling sorry for what life has dealt you and instead move forward in the grace and strength that God has given us all. In each chapter, you see how difficult things are for Scotty to pick up the pieces and simply do what all of us with sight can do. Perhaps we are the ones who are truly blind and Scotty has been given a different set of eyes to see the possibilities in life, if we are only willing to take a step of faith and move forward. I truly believe that this book is a great inspirational story and the perfect gift for those facing their own set of unique circumstances that are attempting to hold them back. It will hopefully provide them with enough hope that they don't have to settle for anything less than what God has in store for them. The possibilities are truly endless. I received Hope Unseen by Captain Scotty Smiley compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Publishers for my honest review. I truly value my gift of sight, and wouldn't know where to begin to do even some of the things that Scotty did. I could never imagine in my wildest dreams, taking on a mountain climb to a 14,000 foot summit, across endless ice bridges only strong enough to support one man, and knowing you must walk it alone with only words and a rope as your guide. Just closing my eyes and attempting to navigate a sidewalk is challenging enough for me. Scotty Smiley is a true inspiration to those of us that often wonder where the heroes are in this world. In my book, he is one of the greatest. I easily rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend this one if you are feeling with no hope in your life. Perhaps it might change how you "see" your life! less
Reviews (see all)
What a tremendous and amazing story of preserverence and God's grace. An absolutely incredible book.
A must read for all! Inspirational true story how CPT Smiley and his wife overcame adversity.
Wonderful story and example of pushing through to live a full and even inspirational life.
Found this book both relevant and inspirational
Very inspirational.
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