Guardians Of The Galaxy II (3 books in series)

Guardians of the Galaxy - Volume 2: War of Kings - Book 1 (2009)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Well, another great GOTG book from DnA! The team is ruptured and leaderless, and the time/space continuum problem is still looking to happen. Lots of good fight scenes, as well as some Marvel lore I'm not familiar with, but DnA, once again, have a way of making the obscure/past r...
Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 4: Realm Of Kings (2010)
4 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: The writers probably knew the series was being cancelled by this point, with only a few issues to go. As a result, some storylines seemed rushed, while others were abandoned altogether. Yet the series had lost so much of its focus that it really didn't seem to matter. Personally,...
Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 2: War Of Kings Book 1 (2009)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I’m usually a fan of large casts and simultaneous stories, but this volume seemed to bludgeon me with them. There are only three characters really, shooty and witty leader, stoic yet emotional bruiser, and cosmic powered enigma. These would be fine if there weren’t at least 2 of ...