Indigo Summer (2 books in series)

Step Up (2010)
4.39 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Where do I even begin? I'm always offended by black authors that write books like these. The grammar was horrible. Here were things happening that you had to just guess happened in-between you turning pages, although they weren't mentioned. And everything was just so stereotypica...
Deal With It (2009)
4.46 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Indigo learns about jealousy when Marcus spends more time with his guyfriend, Terrence. Jade gets picked for team captin on the dance team. Then Tameka goes to her grampa's funieral, and learns that her cusion, Roni, gets raped by her new step dad. Tameka gets pregnent and is dec...