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Step Up (2010)

by Monica McKayhan(Favorite Author)
4.39 of 5 Votes: 3
0373831471 (ISBN13: 9780373831470)
Harlequin Kimani
Indigo Summer
review 1: Where do I even begin? I'm always offended by black authors that write books like these. The grammar was horrible. Here were things happening that you had to just guess happened in-between you turning pages, although they weren't mentioned. And everything was just so stereotypical.Here you have two couples: Tameka/Vance and Indigo/Marcus. Tameka is pregnant and worried about her kinda boyfriend going off to college to play "basketball" while she has to bear the brunt of her pregnancy on her own. Tameka is naive and very annoying. Vance is an idiot and just isn't likable. That boy made more mistakes than he should be given second chances for.Indigo is awaiting her real boyfriend, Marcus,to come home from a summer college program. she doesn't ever question his infidelity but... more that doesn't stop Marcus from cheating anyways. Marcus is an idiot also. He just sits like a bump on a log and ends up being manipulated by his roommate and a girl he starts to fall for. I've read other books in this series and I never fail to be disappointed. They are so stereotypical black down to wanting to go to an HBCU and asking someone if they want to be be yo girl. Can't relate to this mess at all. Annoying characters and horrible syntax. Need I say more? Why does this even have 4 stars????
review 2: Omg! I love Step up by Monica Mckayhan. I just wish it never end that way. I want to know does Tameka get Sean? Does Vance try to come back to Tameka so they can be a family , like he said. Is there gonna be another Indigo Summer book added to the series. But the book was awesome. Indigo and Marcus need to stay together they are really cute. And everybody make mistakes sometimes. Them going to visit Vance was good to because it's better for Tameka to know that he's cheating , than to think so has a perfect boyfriend. less
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Tymeka is pregnant and the baby daddy is off to college. Can he stay faithful?
this boo k was really good. its the best in the whole indigo series
this book was really good. it was real life situations in it.!
This was a GREAT book!
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