Jackie Rutledge (2 books in series)

The Vengeful Dead (2011)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Gore at the beginning and edge-of-your-seat anxiety at the end makes this a NON-bedtime story. STILL, it was a fun read. I love the characters, corporeal, ethereal, or vampireal who are a mixture of them all. And how evil is it to include a section of the next book in the series?...
Deadworld (2011)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I absolutely loved this book. It was a very refreshing take on the whole vampire element. I loved also that it wadnt focused on some love angel at all. The characters were believable and i really like the relationship betweem Jack and Laurel. Nick was a great character and protec...