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Deadworld (2011)

by J.N. Duncan(Favorite Author)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 1
0758255667 (ISBN13: 9780758255662)
Jackie Rutledge
review 1: I absolutely loved this book. It was a very refreshing take on the whole vampire element. I loved also that it wadnt focused on some love angel at all. The characters were believable and i really like the relationship betweem Jack and Laurel. Nick was a great character and protective without all that alpha male stuff that usually crop up in these type of books. he was just as strong to me when he was willing to be supportive. Looking forward to watching Jack grow.
review 2: I wanted to really enjoy "Deadworld" I really did but there were several decisions by the author that I feel kept me from fully enjoying this book. First, every character in the book is reffered to by a shorted version of thier name, for example... Jackie = Jack, Nicholas = Nick, Reggie = R
... moreeg, I don't know about you but I find this very distracting. Second, Jackie, the main character, has sooooo much baggage it is ridiculous that she is able to function on a high enough level to hold her job with the FBI, in fact she should have never gotten through the psych evaluation stage. Third, everyone, and I do mean everyone, just suddenly accepts the existance of vampires, something that everyone thought of as myth, without hardly a second thought. Forth, the story behind the past history that Nick and the villian share is told 4 times in the book to various characters but never to the reader, also a lot of the dialog felt rushed and forced... just saying. Anyway, those are the things I didn't like, as for the things I did like about this book... First, I like the plot and the pacing, both were able to keep me interested enough to keep reading despite all of the things I found to be distracting. Also I found the new twist that J.N. Duncan puts on vampires to be interesting (I also suspect that the author was a fan of the old World of Darkness setting) and enjoyable. The book wasn't in the least an inteligent read but in this case that is not a bad thing and it actually benifits this book. All in all I can't say that this is a bad book but neither is it a good book. Will I even bother with the next book? That I can't say, but I probly will if for nothing else than to see if the author improved and grew as a writer. less
Reviews (see all)
Good story a bit slow to start of with but stick it out. A bit too much bad language for my liking.
Urk. Less tequila and more writing would go a long way here.
I really liked this book!
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