Les Petits Riens De Lewis Trondheim (2 books in series)

La Maldición del Paraguas (2007)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I forgot November only had 30 days, and that I was starting this on November 30, and thought I'd be able to squeeze this onto my Fall shelf, and start Winter off with "Infinite Jest," and be able to look at my Winter shelf and see "Infinite Jest" there, pristine in its solitude, ...
Little Nothings 1: The Curse of the Umbrella (2008)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I wound up enjoying this book more than I thought I would. Essentially, it tells of Trondheim's life as he does little things: inadvertently kill houseplants, play with a cat, accept a grand prize for artistic excellence (okay, maybe not that last one). I know Trondheim from th...