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Little Nothings 1: The Curse Of The Umbrella (2008)

by Lewis Trondheim(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
1561635235 (ISBN13: 9781561635238)
NBM Publishing
Les petits riens de Lewis Trondheim
review 1: I wound up enjoying this book more than I thought I would. Essentially, it tells of Trondheim's life as he does little things: inadvertently kill houseplants, play with a cat, accept a grand prize for artistic excellence (okay, maybe not that last one). I know Trondheim from the Dungeon series, and I didn't think that style would translate well into something comparatively low key, but it works really well here. It reminded me of Guy Delisle's stuff, in its artistic simplicity and low-key, autobiographical examination.
review 2: This one lived up to its title, but in a good way. I love Trondheim's sketchy little drawings that float on the page, unencumbered by panel borders, and how he draws his people with animal faces (reminds me of Jason, one of my favori
... moretes). I also like his self-deprecating, charmingly paranoiac personality. This is the good side of autobio comics -- little riffs on the small pleasures and annoyances of modern life. less
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For whatever reason, I found this to be middle-aged humor. I couldn't get into it.
I love this guy. Like a parisian Woody Allen. Great stuff!
The art was amazing, particularly the watercoloring work.
Its about the little things in life.
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