Mystic Wolves (3 books in series)

Forever Changed (2013)
4.47 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Mason and Darcie have faced all kinds of different trials (so to speak) and have come out with their heads high and their love for each other even strong . Devlin, a long time friend of the two who actually turns out to be Darcie's uncle has his own secrets and has been hiding s...
Testing Fate (2000)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: So far out of the series this was probably my favorite. Yes it started out rocky but concluded I believe on a high note. I would have liked to get Mason's point of view during his trials but I think it worked as well just to get Darcy's. I did call it though with who was Mason's ...
The Mystic Wolves (2012)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I received this ebook for a fair review. I love werewolves! I enjoyed this story where different supernatural beings work together for the good of all. The characters were enjoyable and I like that the weres have one mate. I don't like it that some authors feel the need to m...