Royal (2 books in series)

Royal Target (2008)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: 4.5 starsI loved reading about "the inside," seeing how the CIA would go about protecting a royal family. It was great. Also, it quickly shows one how difficult life would be if you were part of that family - the endless meetings, social functions, and responsibilities. (Ugh! Ble...
Royal Secrets (2012)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I really love it. But I don't like the idea that Prince Stevano cannot have his own children. I mean like the idea about prince Stevano have some kind of illness, but this just look like plot device to have Prince Garrett usurp Prince Stevano or something like that. Anyway, I kin...