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Royal Target (2008)

by Traci Hunter Abramson(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 1
1598116282 (ISBN13: 9781598116281)
Covenant Communications, Inc
review 1: 4.5 starsI loved reading about "the inside," seeing how the CIA would go about protecting a royal family. It was great. Also, it quickly shows one how difficult life would be if you were part of that family - the endless meetings, social functions, and responsibilities. (Ugh! Bless their hearts.) Even still, it was fun to see how Janessa did her best protecting Prince Garrett and his family. I suspected who the trouble makers might be, but never knew for sure who they were until the end. A great modern-day Mormon tale that throws religion into the mix of an already crazy, royal lifestyle. Thank you Mrs. Ambramson, this was a fantastic way to spend my "me" time.Clean read for 15 & up. No swearing, but there are a few life-threating scenes.
review 2: This boo
... morek was not for me. It was so trite. No depth. The relationships were unbelieveable and I couldn't bring myself to care about the danger/mystery because I didn't care about the people. I am also not generally a fan of mormon lit.... although it can be done well. This was NOT done well. I really didn't like Royal Target and I probably will not attempt other books by this author. I find her writing mediocre at best. less
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A good romance with a little mystery thrown in.
This is an amazing book!
Fun light read
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