Species Intervention #6609 (2 books in series)

Armageddon Cometh (2012)
4.56 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This truly is a talented author. This book, the third in the series, reunites us nicely with characters from book one, starting to round of what is part of a strong and courageous over-arching theme. The story is beautifully written and the characters are very well-observed, pa...
Armageddon Cometh, Species Intervention #6609 Book Three (2012)
4.56 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: After reading this book, my question to the author is: When will they be making a movie based on this trilogy?I purchased the anthology and this is one of the most gripping, heart wrenching, tear jerking, interesting science fiction stories I have read since the matrix. Seriously...