The Killer Next Door (2 books in series)

Taken by You (2000)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Taken By YouThe Killer Next Door Part 2 by Carlie Sexton4 1/2 starsRight from the beginning again we are 'treated to' creepy Roger and his insanity. He is more obsessed over Kate than ever. It is so hard to grasp his so called normal side of wanting to be a great father, blended ...
Fallen for You (2013)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Books written in the 3rd person are really hard for me to read. They’re just not my cup of tea when it comes to reading a book. It always feels like I’m being told what the events are that are being unfolded in the book instead of the events just unfolding by the characters. It’s...