The Poison Diaries (2 books in series)

Die Poison Diaries: Liebe ist unheilbar (2011)
3.39 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I didn't liked this book. Before I even started reading, I was hesitating because the "explaining" (the few words on the back) of the story didn't intrigued me (I think the author tried to achieve that but it didn't really worked for me). There were no other good books in the lib...
The Poison Diaries (2010)
3.39 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Meine Mei­nungIch muss zuge­ben, dass die wun­der­schöne Gestal­tung des Covers einen gro­ßen Teil dazu beige­tra­gen hat, wes­we­gen ich die­ses Buch lesen wollte. Doch auch die The­ma­tik rund um Gift­pflan­zen und einen alten Apo­the­ker der mit sei­ner Toch­ter in einem her­u...