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Loud In The House Of Myself: Memoir Of A Strange Girl (2011)

by Stacy Pershall(Favorite Author)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
0393066924 (ISBN13: 9780393066920)
W. W. Norton & Company
review 1: One of my students wrote a book review on this book, and it was so good I told her right away that I needed to read the book. It took a couple of days, but once I made it past the chapter intros, and I finished a couple of other books I was reading, I got to it. Then I finished it in two days.I was mesmerized by Pershall's writing--the rhythm and speed was so wonderfully rushed and manic. I know that feeling. Even when her stories made me cringe with pain, I was pulled onward by her earnestness and passion.As an 8th grade teacher, I don't feel I can recommend this book to many of my students, but some will be ready for this because of where they are, individually. I've already recommended it to several friends, though. And comparing it to Kay Jamison's Unquiet Mind, recomm... moreended to me by my psychiatrist (one of those things in Pershall's story that I totally identified with), I think Pershall's story may provide a more worthwhile view, maybe because of the generational connection I have with Pershall over Jamison. And I live in the Ozarks, so I'm sure I'm totally biased there too.Overall, I really liked this book. These are the type of stories that are so important to tell and share, and hear and read. Even though they may not be pleasant, they're important. We learn about others and ourselves and our world, and we end up better for it.I have to add one last way in which I connect to this story. I'm nowhere near the level of Pershall's commitment to tattoos, but every tattoo that I have gotten has been while either hilariously manic or totally depressed. In "normal" times, I generally don't have the inspiration or can't rationalize it. And in those times, sitting in the chair or laying on the mat while getting a tattoo, I always felt so good. When manic, things seemed to slow down with the hum of the gun and I could think with clarity. When depressed, the pressure and pain felt so wonderful that it was addictive. The efforts of Pershall to tell stories through her skin, and transform herself in the process, makes perfect sense. And now I am done.
review 2: The book Loud In The House Of Myself by Stacy Pershall was about a girl who struggled with many disorders that affected her life in a negative way. The main disorders were anorexia and bulimia and it affected almost everything that she did, even though she was receiving help through therapy. It created fights with her parents concerning about the disorder. It also created problems with her relationships, like her boyfriend cheating on her.The author did a great job on the amount of time she spent on a setting, it was never too long or too short and it always made me want to keep reading. The author didn't always do a good job telling the time period, so sometimes it was confusing to follow.I would give the book four out of five stars because I found the book very interesting and I felt like I knew the main character very well, but the author didn't always tell the time period. Overall I enjoyed the book Loud In The House Of myself by Stacy Pershall. less
Reviews (see all)
simple and readable, but only really worth an e-read while commuting.
amazing memoir. I totally see myself in Stacy Pershall.
Excellent I couldn't put it down .
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