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Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys. (2014)

by Viv Albertine(Favorite Author)
4.37 of 5 Votes: 4
0571297757 (ISBN13: 9780571297757)
Faber & Faber
review 1: Mostly I liked it. I stopped reading it when it reached the last Slits tour (and I was off to Utrecht and Amsterdam so started reading The Goldfinch intending to finish it on my return but I never got round to it). I like the stories Viv Albertine tells about the formation of The Slits, her early years, art college, music and all that but ultimately I felt that there was a distance between her as a narrator and the reader which is probably why I didn't feel the need to finish it.
review 2: Oh, I loved this. The first part is more dishy rock memoir, with the Slits and Sid Vicious and Mick Jones and all, and that was fun—that was my teenage/young adult music, and it's always interesting to read about what the scene was like in the years before I was paying atte
... morention. But then the second part is about re-creating herself creatively in middle age, and that REALLY resonated with me. She speaks about it all very honestly and unpretentiously—this is not a ghostwritten book, and her voice is sweet and genuine. It changes through the course of the book, too—honestly, not in a crafty writerly way but just because of what she's talking about, and I found the effect to be quite endearing. This is the perfect book to launch the Middle Aged Rock Girl Book Club—more on that later—and a really good read, especially on the subject of midlife. less
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The best auto biog I've ever clapped eyes on. It gripped me with it's gritty openness and honesty.
A raw, inspiring and painfully honest autobiogrpahy
This book seemed to get better as it went along.
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