All reviews for Vremea Îngerului (2009)
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Great book! This is a light, sweet story about a hit man who is given the chance to use his skills to help people instead of hurting them. The author does a great job with the characters - really letting you know their feelings and motivations. I liked the positive message that no matter what mistakes someone has made, there is always an opportunity for redemption and forgiveness. If you've never read an Anne Rice book or are not a fan of her darker work, this might be a good one to try.
I really have to get past Rice and the vampire thing. The only thing that I have read from her was about vampires and witches so the angel thing throws me off a little. In this though Toby takes a journey from murder to redemption. All through the story there is talk of forgiveness and the lack of but for Toby God is merciful. I enjoyed the story and I'm glad that I picked it up because every now and then we all need reminders of the grace and mercy that can be stowed upon us.
Wanted to like it, but plot got real stupid real fast.
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