All reviews for Sourdough Creek (2000)
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Sourdough Creek is a wonderfully written historical fiction adventure. It is an action packed adventure that is set during the Gold Fever. Caroline, writes very real characters that will hook you from the very first page. Sam is a flawed hero. He is a gentleman cowboy who starts proving his character right from the Start when he saves Cassie from a beating that she is receiving from a neighbour because of her Uncle Avrid's thieving. Cassie is a brave, hard working and stubborn woman who I wanted to throttle for most of the book. We have all known women like Cassie. She wants love so badly that she excuses bad behaviour from her uncle in the name of family. Although she has seen first-hand, first with her father and then with her Uncle Avrid that not all men treat women with kindness and respect, she doesn't seem to give Sam credit for the kindness and respect that he showered on her, her sister and their pet cat from their first meeting. I enjoyed watching the blinders finally fall off after God sent her a very powerful sign. Ashes is the brave cat that does seem to have nine lives Uncle Arvid is a real piece of work. He is a thieving, abusive layabout that wouldn't lift a finger or spend a penny to help his nieces but expected them to slave for his benefit. I am looking forward to a sequel even if it is years away because these characters had me from the first page. June, 25, 2015 ***Please note that this is also available on The Narrator: Luke Andreen is absolutely swoon-worthy.
Very slow and at times tedious! This is clean. Interesting twists at times. The romance is good.
Wonderful book. I love everything Caroline writes. This book is no exception.
Good book.
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