All reviews for Noční směna (2013)
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Edie is a nightshift nurse at County hospital. But she's not your normal nurse. She works on a hidden floor, tending to hidden creatures. When one of her patients, a Daylighter, dies due to something she did incorrectly, guilt leads her to follow his last request. Which leads her deeper into the hidden world than she should ever go.I really enjoyed this book. It's different enough to make the world entertaining, and has enough action in it to keep you reading to the end.
I was torn between really liking this and deciding if I wanted to finish it. The characters are good as is the story, I think it is the writing style Ihad problems with. It was a little heavy, I found I couldn't breeze through the reading. Everytime I stopped reading, I had to decide if I was going back to it but once I started reading I enjoyed it. I will try the 2nd book in the series & if I find it is hard to get into I will give it up for now.
Boring, I only like the story with Ti, it's creepy.
loved it
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