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Considering the fact that I was in ninth grade when I read this, I may not be the most reliable review. Even though I didn't get all of it, I really loved the story (unlike anyone else my age) and the meaning it held. I am very interested in most wars, especially the French Revolution and anything that gives me a taste of that I usually like. No one needs me to say this but Dickens truly is a gifted writer with a talent of reaching people in a way few others can.
Considering the fact that I was in ninth grade when I read this, I may not be the most reliable review. Even though I didn't get all of it, I really loved the story (unlike anyone else my age) and the meaning it held. I am very interested in most wars, especially the French Revolution and anything that gives me a taste of that I usually like. No one needs me to say this but Dickens truly is a gifted writer with a talent of reaching people in a way few others can.
So glad the first sentence explains everything, saved me a ton of time ;)
Les Miserables-ish
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