All reviews for Smooth Talking Stranger - Kejutan Cinta (2010)
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Maybe closer to a 2.5, I'm rating this at a distance of years so it's tough to judge with 100% accuracy. This book was better than the previous one, but still not great. I found the plot to be quite formulaic.Look, let's face it. Lisa Kleypas apparently doesn't have any intention of going back to historical romance, which is a shame because she never put a foot wrong there. Her contemporary debut was stunningly good, but she's never come close to reaching those heights since then. I'm sure I'll read book #4 as soon as it comes out, though, because I just can't quite give up hoping.
Una lectura de esta serie y de esta autora que una vez más me volvió a conquistar. A pesar de que no tiene ese aquel que yo vi en Mi nombre el Liberty sigue teniendo otro tipo de magia y es que Kleypas consigue crear unas protagonistas femeninas profundas y fuertes, aunque los equivalentes masculinos deberían ser más reflexivos para que como lectores, pudiéramos llegara ellos en la misma medida que en la que llegamos a las protagonistas, de modo que no nos parezcan lejanos.
Don't you just love how these novels have happy endings/
3 1/2 stars