All reviews for Als jij mij bent (2013)
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This author is the queen of cliffhangers! I have been buying book after book because I have to know what happens next. I cannot get enough of sara and Chris and even mark. I thought there might be a little more reveal in what happened to Rebecca, I mean I read 2 whole books with suspense leading up to what happened, only to have one sentence sum it up and to be moved on. Other than that, the whole book was amazing. I hope there is still some mystery in the next book that I have to come to love from this author. If not, I'll take a whole lotta Chris merit ;) I do hope mark finds his happiness too.
And the story keeps getting better! Sara and Chris and Mark...oh my! What hidden secrets, untold truths, inuendos, and assumptions can do to relationships. Dang if I couldn't read this fast enough! My only "wish" is I REALLY want access to what's going on in Chris's head. I know there is a novella with his perspective, but I want it NOW - that man - sweet Lord! Another BIG sports night in KC, so the excitement of the Royals's game slowed me a bit but still a 3ish hour read and started the 3rd book!
Up, down, round & round. This is a ride you don't want to miss. Loved this book. Love this series.
Very suspenseful.
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