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"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" was made fun and original by incorporating the work of Jane Austen into a book about zombies. It was how Hockensmith turned Austen into a zombie story that made it so good. Without Jane Austen's story, this book feels like just a chance to make some money. Here is a prequel that lacks the fun of the original story. Anyone who had read "Pride and Prejudice" and liked zombie stories would love the original story. But in this book there is no feel for Jane Austen as the book contains the characters without her story or language.That isn't to say that this book is dreadful. It just lacks the uniqueness of the original. Perhaps no prequel or sequel could have the uniqueness of the original so perhaps I'm being unfair but it seems without Austen to give him a plot, Hockensmith just doesn't know where to go. Anyway, this book just feels rather slight (and yes, I'll admit, fun in a way) but it feels far short of that first book and really unnecessary. Too bad Austen didn't write a prequel to "Pride and Prejudice" or Hockensmith might have been able to pull this off.
Very funny though it obviously doesn't beat the original but its a great twist to Austen's PP. This is a prequel to PP and zombies tracing the Bennet girls' steps to becoming the warriors and sheds more light on their father's background and their mother's love history which I was glad they did. Even if it is AU (alternate universe) it was very frustrating to hear them call each other mr. Bennet or mrs. Bennet. Here, they are given first names and in the Austen spirit, the author is true to their characters (and their daughters) bybhaving them go at each other every five minutes which makes it even more funny. Some familiar characters appear at the end. If you're an Austen fan who has a taste for the zombie genre, this is the book for you.
funny and amusing
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