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Legacy Of A Dreamer (2013)

by Allie Jean(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 1
The Writer's Coffee Shop
review 1: This book blew me away. I have read a lot of books and I mean a lot (LOL).Quite a few on the subject of angels but I have to say this book was right on the money in my opinion. The author definitely did her homework concerning the religious aspect of angels, but presented it in a way that was informative yet exciting,I learned quite a bit during the course of this book. There were some very scary moments in this book( Chantal's dreams)The author was very descriptive at these points and it made these dream sequences so real.I was literally jumping out of my skin at times.I loved Chantal's character the most,she goes through a lot and still manages to be loyal to a fault. This type of character is what more books today need. The message I received from this book was that rea... morel evil does exist and the reality of it is frightening most days,Chantal was dealt a crappy life and she chose to still make the best of her situation. Chantal was a tough cookie for sure, and wanted to fight her own battles.I love a strong willed female heroine in my books and she was as awesome as they come. Mathias won my heart right away,he wanted nothing more than to protect Chantal, he wasn't one to broadcast his feelings, but you got the feeling that he loved her none the less.This author has a way with words,She gives you just the right amount of insight into the story and it compels the reader to want to know more and try to figure out the puzzle of the plot. Great writing and a must read for anyone's TBR shelf,If your into lots action, horror, deception and a fight for your life type of read then this is the book for you!! I can't wait for the next book......
review 2: I loved this book! The characters created are a unique blend of Christian and European folklore. It was fascinating, creative, scary, and extraordinarily detailed. I was most impressed with the power the author holds over the reader, giving one small piece of the puzzle at a time, making you earn your right to see the full picture. Incredibly, this was delivered in a manner that was intriguing, not frustrating. Compelled to follow our heroine, Chantal, and her sexy protector, Mathias, I was whisked away in a world filled with action, horror, suspense, love, and betrayal. Though this isn’t a romance novel, the allure is definitely there. I can’t wait for the next installment! less
Reviews (see all)
Loved it!!! Took me a minute to get really into it but once I did, I couldn't put it down!!
The story is great! Love it! Can't wait for the next book! XD
looks and sounds awesome cant wait to read it!!
A different kind of story. Enjoyed it.
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