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The Man Test (2014)

by Amanda Aksel(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 2
0996028609 (ISBN13: 9780996028608)
Elephantine Publishing
review 1: I really enjoyed this story. Its about a woman, Miran, who is a couple's therapist. She goes on what is supposed to a week long bachelorette trip for her best friend's little sister, Rachel, who happens to be like her own little sister. She decides that she misses her fiance and decides to come home early. When she does she catches her fiance who just moved in with her cheating on her. This devastates her. She kicks him out and tells him its over. The same thing any normal women would do. Her friend buys her and meditation book she decides to returns it and finds another book while she is at the store. This book goes on to tell her all men lie and cheat. This makes her feel better about what happened to her. After it couldn't have had anything to do with her re... morelationship if all men lie and cheat. She can't wait to tell her two best friends what she has found out and when one of them doesn't believe her she decides to prove it. Right off the bat she finds a cheater. She decides to try again to see if the rule holds. She runs into the best man from Rachel's wedding. After talking with him she decides he would be the perfect guy for her test. She begins to pretend to be in a relationship with him. Her friend warns her that when you go looking for trouble that exactly what you are going to find. James is sweet and a gentleman, not a guy who would cheat. She is determined to find him cheating. She thinks he is cheating on two different occasions both times he was not and then she finds out about the Man Test. This is when everything changes some for the good and others not so much.This book was great. Almost everyone has been cheated on male or female. You can sympathize with how she is feeling. Wouldn't we all love to find a way to make it not personal. If everyone is being cheated on then it can't have anything do with us or our relationships. Marin gets so caught up in the spying and pretending that she over looks everything. Like how it will affect everyone in the end. She doesn't pay attention to the way James makes her feels or much about him. When trouble finally comes around and she proves her theory she isn't prepared for it. It winds up affecting almost all of her closest friends as well her and James. Once the trouble comes she is left right back where she started and still has to pick up these new pieces as well as deal with her feeling from the break up with her fiance. Miran and James were great characters. Her friends were great as well. The book was very well written and I really enjoyed it. It was a bit of a suspense. You kept waiting for Miran to realize that James wasn't the kind of guy who will cheat. She was so focused on her test though that she couldn't see that about him. Only when the damage was done could she see everything that had happened and how she truly felt about him and the whole situation.
review 2: **3.5 fiery Hearts!***I received this book free from Mark My Words Book Publicity in exchange for an honest review*Marin may be a couple’s therapist, but it’ll only take one event to completely shatter all of her illusions about love and ‘happily ever after’. Then it’s game on to determine her theory that all men are cheaters and liars.First there’s the fiancé, Chad. Two words come to mind…muscle-head douchebag. Sweetness pours off of him and it’s hard not to like him. Of course so does every girl. And that’s the problem.Then there’s Anderson. He’s a doctor Marin met at a club, one who rocked the hell out of her world. When they meet up in public, outside of their normal time, it’s quite hilarious. I was laughing so hard at her professionalism.“A moment of silence created an unnerving wave of tension. I relaxed for a second and tried to think of how I could make Anderson’s torture just a little more entertaining.I snapped my fingers in recognition. “I know why look familiar,” I said. Anderson’s eyes widened and the color drained from his face. Surely he thought I was going to blow him in right then.” And of course the best is last. James. How can you not love a guy you buys you ice cream after you hurt your knee? He’s just so precious and the things Marin does to prove he’s just like the others is horribly sad. But when you meet the right one sometimes even the lies can be overlooked if the meaning behind them wasn’t malicious.“A man’s private porn stash exposes his deepest sexual desires. They make porn for every kind of masturbating bastard on this planet.” This storyline reminded me of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, but with a few more twists. If you enjoyed that then you’ll probably enjoy this too.My Favorite Laughable Moment: Definitely the confrontation between her and Anderson at her office. The way she turned it almost into a game was hilarious. My Favorite Moment: When James meets Marin’s family. less
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The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories
Marin pissed me off through this entire book until the end.
I got this as part of the XOXO collection
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