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Chosen Heart (2000)

by Ann Stewart(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: 5 starsI absolutely loved this book. I like that it was told in Elyssa POV and that you felt everything she was feeling. U loved the drama, the unexpected twists. The epilogue was epic also. You love the even the the not so good guys in the book. And omg, there is such a power struggle with the men that honestly it is awesome.Elyssa moves out to las Vegas for a job with her mothers friend arianna. During this time she meets alex and sparks fly, problem is that they work together. So keeping their relationship under wraps, they have to maneuver everywhere. The story progresses more men get involved, secrets are shared, and life takes you down roads you didn't see coming.Read this book and yes its a cliffhanger, so be prepared, but the second book is out. A must read ... morebook.
review 2: Elyssa never thought she would actually have to interview for the job she was about to start. With Arianna being her mom's best friend and the CEO of the company, she figured when Arianna called that the job was hers. After listening to Arianna explain that it would look strange if she didn't interview for the position, and it really was just a formality, Elyssa relaxed. She realized she had the job, just had to make it seem like she went through the proper channels to get it. Not that she didn't deserve it. She had the schooling and experience. So no reason she shouldn't be the newest Sales Rep. at SHI. It is Elyssa's, first day at her new job at SHI. She is at the gas, when she looks up and see the most sexy man she has ever seen. His 3 piece suit, crystal blue eyes, drop dead gorgeous smile, and broad shoulders, just leaning against his BMW. Their eyes meet and his smile widens. There is an electric current you can feel between them. She can't help but stare. She has never seen a man that looks this good. A horn beeps in the distance, bringing Elyssa back to the here and now. Realizing she is staring she smiles and gets in her car and heads to her job. She walks into the building up to the security guard, good morning may I help you. Yes my name is, Elyssa Hart, today is my first day with SHI. Congratulations, SHI is on the 18th floor, take those elevators there. Here is your badge, have a good day Ms. Hart. With the brief conversation over, she walks to the elevators and waits for the doors to open. As the doors open and she steps in, so does Mr. sexy from the gas station. Oh my god ! What is he doing here. She stands watching the numbers on the elevator waiting for her floor. Stealing glances at him from her side view, she has unconsciously leaned over inhaling his scent. God he smells so good. He clears his throat. Oh no he caught me inhaling him. She leans up embarrassed. She can see a half smirk on his face. So this is your first day Ms. Hart. Alarmed, how does he know my name. Seeing the look on her face, he states, I over heard security on my way in. She relaxes. Yes I am the new Sales Executive at SHI. He smiles, as the elevator stops and the doors open. Well let me introduce you to my assistant Janice and get you started. Oh crap he works here. How will I ever be able to get anything done. He is just to much of a distraction. Janice this is Ms. Hart, see that she is taken to Maggie and get her started. Right away Mr. James. Hi I am Janice, Mr. James assistant, you will be working with Autumn this morning, let me show you to your desk and then I will take you to her. Thank you Janice. Elyssa learns in the morning meeting that Mr. Alexander James is the VP Sales Executive and her boss. This is not going to be good. I can't be having these kinds of thoughts about him, he is my boss. Yes he is one of the most sexiest guys I have ever seen, but wouldn't it be wrong to date the boss. She can't seem to think of anything but how good it would feel to have him up against her. I can't keep thinking like this, if anything happened I would be letting Arianna down, after all she did give me this job. Besides there are things in my past that he wouldn't understand. God she is stunning, Alex can feel the electric pull between them. He is not sure what it is or why she is having this kind of effect on him. He has never felt like this before in his life. He wants to find out more about her. He knows it is risky, with him being her boss. If they were to be together it would have to be kept a secret, because if Arianna found out, she would for sure ruin him. But could someone as sweet as Elyssa, be able to handle the skeletons in his closet. He is damaged and no good for her. He should leave her alone, but the pulling feeling he keeps getting every time he is around her won't let him. I need to be with her. Will Elyssa and Alex give into fate ? Will they be able to overcome the skeletons in each others closets ? Will Arianna found out and destroy them both ? This book was awesome, I could not put it down. It made me laugh, cry and get so mad that I wanted to punch a few of the characters in this book. I have never felt so many emotions out of one book. You have to read it. It is a cliffhanger, so I can't wait for the next book to come out. Definitely a 5 star rating for me. less
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I was on the edge of my seat, can't wait for book # 2
This book lost me within the first chapter.......
This book was a great read!
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