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The Big Thirst: The Marvels, Mysteries & Madness Shaping The New Era Of Water (2000)

by Charles Fishman(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: A really interesting overview of water problems in a few different places around the globe. Unlike many books on important current issues, this one understands and incorporates big-picture political affairs, science, and down-to-earth details of the effects on people's lives. Water is likely to be the source of many 21st-century conflicts and this book provides a thoughtful introduction to many of the issues. I wish it included another chapter or two on developing countries, including at least one where water scarcity produces violent conflict.
review 2: 3.5 stars. Not among the best books discussing water scarcity but more than worthy of your time. At the very least I can guarantee that you will learn things about water that you never knew before and that you
... morewill think differently about your relationship to water after completing your read of Fishman's latest.The Big Thirst takes a more global look at water insecurity and what states, municipalities and corporations are doing to address water waste and the loss of local water supplies. Definitely a tinge of optimism among the "woe is me" stuff. However, Fishman does no one a favor by glossing over the impacts of climate change on water supply. He also shines a positive light on Monsanto for their work in developing seed that generates a higher yield with less water but omits balancing his facts with a discussion of the moral and political aspects of genetically modifying that which nature provides. less
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America is unique to have 24-7 water service. Most countries only receive water a few hours a day.
A great (and quick) read about water - something we all take for granted in this country.
There are lots of statistics in this book. I am very aware of water's importance.
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
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