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It Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership (2012)

by Colin Powell(Favorite Author)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
0062135147 (ISBN13: 9780062135148)
review 1: Alternate title: the power of emotional intelligence in leadership and other tidbits. Much like listening to a grandparent, Powell heaps his experience onto the reader with poignant anecdotes and very actionable suggestions. If you believe that the happiness and well-being of your subordinates are tied to their productivity, this is the book for you. (He also makes the case against bullying, fear-mongering, and isolation as motivational tactics.) This is also great read for US political history wonks. Powell discusses the missteps that led to his infamous 2003 speech to the UN and the subsequent invasion of Iraq, In a couple of places, he accepts blame for these and outlines the circumstances surrounding those events.**Disclaimer for what follows**: I'm not a huge fan of R... moreonal Reagan. Several of his policies and stances, IMHO, are demonstrable failures, clearly ignore lessons learned in history, or border on lunacy; to name a few: the war on drugs, the Star Wars missile shield, "trust but verify," the cold war, trickle-down economics and the subsequent tripling of the national debt. Colin Powell clearly reveres Ronald Reagan. There are several interactions described in this book that give me pause. For example, when Powell was Reagan's national security advisor, he brought a pressing issue into the oval office. During Powell's monologue, Reagan supposedly continued starring into the rose garden, not saying a word. When Powell stopped speaking, Reagan made a comment about the fauna and the recently placed birdseed. Colin Powell interprets this as a lesson from the President that national security matters are Powell's job and that, with this particular issue, there were no actionable choices for the President to make. An alternate interpretation is that Reagan was losing his mind. Did I mention the missile shield? As I've said, there are several such interactions described. Overall, a pretty good read. For what it's worth, I have the utmost respect Colin Powell and I'd happily follow him into hell if he asked.
review 2: En este libro que leí creo el año pasado confiesa Colin Powell que las pruebas que se presentaron sobre las "supuestas" armas nucleares no eran más que mentiras.. Hoy, despúes de tantos años, Iraq está destruido, su pueblo se muere y sufre de los terroristas y falta de seguridad, y sus recursos naturales robados totalmente..la bandilla de la administración americana que tomó la decisión de atacar a la gente iraqí y invadir sus tierras siguen en libertad sin juicios.. less
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Good general leadership and life advice. I particularly liked his anecdotes about President Reagan.
life lessons, made interesting with anecdotes.
An easy read and basic leadership 101.
Great Stuff---
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