Books: 19 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.7
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Daniel Glattauer

3.81 of 5 Votes: 1
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Books by Daniel Glattauer
Ewig Dein (2009)
3.34 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Worum geht’s?Judith lernt durch einen kleinen Unfall im Supermarkt Hannes kennen. Er entschuldigt sich bei ihr und sie glaubt, ihn niemals wiederzusehen. Doch dann taucht er in ihrem Laden auf und zwischen ihnen entwickelt sich eine Beziehung. Doch bald muss Judith feststellen, d...
Alle sieben Wellen (2009)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Alla ricerca di un libro che stuzzicasse la mia attenzione senza richiedere eccessive energie mentali per la lettura, il destino ha voluto che proprio in questi giorni uscisse il seguito di Le Ho Mai Raccontato del Vento del Nord, di cui ho gi�� parlato -in maniera abbastanza ent...
Siempre tuyo (2009)
3.34 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Titel: endlich wieder ein toller Glattauer - er hat sich selbst übertroffenDie LP, die ich vorab von dem Roman gelesen habe, hatte mich ja eher nicht so überzeugen können, da mir die anderen Glattauer Romane doch besser gefallen haben, aber wer nach dem Lesen der ersten Seiten am...
Per sempre tuo (2009)
3.34 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Forever Yours is a bizarre little book. I had no idea where it was going. It was simply an emotional roller-coaster. I bought this book knowing nothing about the author because a) it had a very pretty cover and b) contrary to its cute packaging, it was described on the cover as h...
La huella de un beso (2000)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Comence este libro porque me encantaron las otras dos novelas de este autor, y tenia muschas expectativas en cuanto a este, pero... no lo lei tan deprisa como crei, de hecho se me hizo muy lento, aunque igual me gusto, de un modo diferente pero me gusto.Max es un hombre que no pu...
Gut gegen Nordwind / Alle sieben Wellen (2010)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I read the English translation, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Anyone looking for a love story that starts out inoccuously, and slowly captivates you throughout the pages -- this is the book for you. I quickly fell in love with the characters as their quips and mannerisms became evid...
Contra el viento del norte (2010)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Capita anche questo: comprare un libro attratto solamente dalla copertina e dal titolo, ma assolutamente non dalla descrizione in quarta, convinto che sar�� una (mi permetto la parolaccia) grandissima cazzata, e trovarsi alle due di notte a met�� libro incapaci di chiuderlo per f...
Cada siete olas (2009)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Estuvo igual que el anterior con algunas diferencias. La primera, oficialmente me ha encantado Leo Leike como personaje y en este libro se muestra completamente tal como es. Lo segundo, Emmi continua siendo un poco caprichosa como en el primer libro (puede que un poco más en esta...
La settima onda (2009)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Achtung: Folgeband zu "Gut gegen Nordwind"! Spoileralarm!Der Klappentext zu Glattauers 222 Seiten langem E-Mail-Roman verrät, dass auch die beiden Charaktere gewisse Unsicherheiten verspüren, was die Zukunft angeht: "Wie es nun weitergehen soll, Leo? - Weiter wie bisher. Wohin? -...
Visi septiņi viļņi (2009)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: 1.) Was du mir bedeutest, bedeutet mir mindestens so viel wie das, was ich dir bedeute.2.) Gerade weil du mir so viel bedeutest, bedeutet es mir viel, dass auch ich dir möglichst viel bedeute. 3.) Hättest du mir nicht so viel bedeutet, wäre es mir egal gewesen, wie viel ich dir b...
Každá sedmá vlna (2009)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Degna conclusione di un primo libro che già mi aveva lasciato scettica, resta da vedere se l'autore ha il coraggio di scrivere un terzo capitolo, questo sì che sarebbe interessante, lo potrebbe intitolare "Le relazioni "reali" dopo quelle intensamente "pensate"- esiste un futuro"...
Emmi & Leo: A Sétima Onda (2009)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Creo que esperaba demasiado de esta segunda parte y no me dio lo suficiente.Lo que llevaba ansiando que ocurriera desde el primer libro no pasó hasta el final de este. Cada vez que me entusiasmaba porque creía que POR FIN todo iba a pasar, salía algo, cualquier cosa, no podía dur...
In città zero gradi (2000)
3.21 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Sentiva il Natale nell'aria.Si stava avvicinando.Gli era già arrivata dal Nord la prima vigorosa sferzata di concentrazione di vin-brùlé e cannella sotto forma di nebbia mista a pioggia mista a grandine.In città,zero gradiTrama carina,a tratti ironico,cinico come Max,una lettura ...
Der Weihnachtshund (2000)
3.21 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Mi è difficile dare un giudizio a questo libro.... Non riesco a capire fino in fondo se mi è piaciuto oppure no, so solo che quando l'ho finito sorridevo, quindi tanto brutto non è.. O forse sorridevo dal sollievo per aver terminato la lettura? Il dubbio c'è..Vediamo se facendomi...
Contra el viento del norte / Cada siete olas (2011)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Очень-очень понравилось! Прочитала на одном дыхании. Супер произведение! Особый стиль в виде переписки и неожиданный конец. Оставляет за собой кучу недосказанностей и сожалений. Надеюсь, что есть продолжение этой истории.
review 2: Beim Lesen der ersten Seiten konnte ...
Gut gegen Nordwind (2008)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: 2 stars.I read this book because I've only heard good things about it and it even was some peoples' favourite book.The book is about Emmi who wants to cancel her subscription of a magazine but wrongly sends the email to Leo. They both write back and forth and somehow a friendship...
Quand souffle le vent du nord (2010)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I didn’t know what to expect when I picked up the book but I’m glad I did. The story is very simple, written in the form of email exchanges between Emmi and Leo, made possible by a simple mistake of keying in a wrong email address. What begins as a simple curiosity leads the char...
Hembus Angin Utara (2009)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: „Sargies ziemeļvēja” ir ļoti ātri izlasāms gabals – ne tāpēc, ka mani tas aizrautu tā, ka nevarētu atrauties, bet tāpēc, ka teksta patiesībā ir ļoti maz, jo ļoti daudzas publicētās vēstules sastāv vispār no 1 teikuma vien.Vispār doma par mūsdienu epistolāro romānu publicējot e-pa...
Quando Sopra o Vento Norte (2010)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Great book - read it in russian, not sure how much was lost in translation, but enjoyed it a lot. It is a resurrection of an epistolary genre in the electronic era. A man and a woman start a year-long intense virtual relationship by accident. They keep getting to know each other ...
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