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God In The Whirlwind: How The Holy-Love Of God Reorients Our World (2014)

by David F. Wells(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 5
1433531313 (ISBN13: 9781433531316)
review 1: This is another outstanding work by David Wells. In focusing on the Holy-love of God Wells demonstrates how God's grace totally transforms our lives bu transforming our vision of God, our worship of god and our service for God. This is a great capstone to the series that began in 1993 with "No Place for Truth." Wells' work contains wonderful insights into postmodernism and how as Christians we can respond with a sound, counter-cultural witness. Buy and read this book!
review 2: God in the Whirlwind is so refreshing in a world of speculative and human centered theologies.Instead of seeking to progressive further than the bible, we should seek to retreat back to it, and this book does just that.David Wells calls us back to seeing God in his entirety rather than i
... moresolating his character into boxes (i.e his Love, his holiness, his wrath etc.) He challenges us to see how all of these characteristics work together and how God's full character cannot be known when we extract one or more of His characteristics.In today's more liberal theologies, many are seeking to take God's "love" and make it the end-all be-all of his character. What we end up doing is defining God by our definition of Love, rather than letting God define his love himself. We end up with these Richard Niebuhr style theologies that are founded on social justice issues and bring the 'kingdom' into today's world. Wells argues that these theologies miss God's complete and holy-love. God isn't just creator, but also redeemer. Human centered scholars minimize sin and maximize justice and love (their definition of love). Wells then talks about how our Christian works are a response to the holy-love God has shown us, not the end point of our existence...This book is a call back to the actual scripture itself. It discourages human intellectualism as the highest authority.Fully worth the price paid. less
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A wonderful description of the Gospel in light of God's attributes and our call to respond.
Really fine stuff.
Best book of 2014!
Good read.
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