David Foster Wallace
4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
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Books by David Foster Wallace
4.27 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: This was another interesting - if brief (I finished this in a few hours at work, and I'm a slow reader) - interview with DFW. Bryan Garner, you'll remember from Wallace's essay in Consider the Lobster, is the author of A Dictionary of Modern American Usage, and Quack this Way is ...
4.05 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: Privilegi snob Non conoscevo praticamente nulla di quest'uomo. Quasi tutto deriv� da un articolo di un importante quotidiano, fra l'obituary e un coccodrillo dove per� le lodi sperticate erano molto simili a una pietra pesantissima come l'orazione di Antonio o come il blocco ch...
4.53 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: This was given to me to read by a person who, without me knowing at the time, ultimately changed my life and made me want to better myself mentally and spiritually. It only makes sense that she gave me a piece of literature that preaches the practice of living compassionately and...
4.05 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: I liked this book a lot because I recognized myself very often. At the beginning I thought that all those footnotes might be a bit annoying but I got used to them very fast. DFW's sense of humour is amazing and his descriptions never get boring even though he describes things wit...
4.05 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: "In queste crociere extralusso di massa c'è qualcosa di insopportabilmente triste. Come la maggior parte delle cose insopportabilmente tristi, sembra che abbia cause inafferrabili e complicate ed effetti semplicissimi: a bordo della Nadir - soprattutto la notte, quando il diverti...
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: DNF at 54%I enjoy David Foster Wallace's writing. His speech, however, is quite different -- it is less clever, less thoughtful, less interesting. Maybe the fault is in my expectations, but if you are looking for a different and much more ordinary side of Wallace, you will like t...
3.69 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: My logic admittedly has a charming patina (though I practice a rudimentary form of it daily as a database manager), and I had just enough of the modal variety as a philosophy undergrad to whet my stone and appetite but not enough to carve a meal, which is all to say, if you've en...
4.53 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: La qualificació d'aquesta review té més a veure amb la meva ignorancia sobre l'obra i l'autor que amb la meva capacitat de jutjar-los a tots dos. Entenc que cal una base prèvia per entendre aquesta lectura que admeto que no tinc; malgrat tot, pot qualificar-se d'una píndola refle...
4.53 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: The book is the text of a commencement address David Foster Wallace presented at Kenyon College in 2005. Wallace gives the best reason for worship I've ever seen, and he offers the best reason for a liberal arts education: Yo learn to think consciously so that we can choose how w...
4.53 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: Este brillante discurso reafirma mi creencia en la indudable necesidad que representa la educación para las personas y para los pueblos en su conjunto. Más allá de los títulos para engordar curriculum y facilitarte un trabajo que te permita hacerte rico, la educación es mucho más...
3.79 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: I think of this as the White Album of DFW's nonfiction--a bit disjointed because they were thrown together in the wake of his death but still rife with compelling trains of thought. He unpieces the myth of the tortured math genius, muses how difficult it is to be "well-rounded" i...
3.85 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: In which I learn that DFW must have been a total pain in the ass to interview, unless you were his buddy. Here's a condensed version of the book:Q: Interesting question. DFW: This isn't the right format to answer that, because I'd have to go into detail. Q: What's your writing pr...
4.34 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Infinite Jest If you, like me, have found yourself compulsively reading about David Foster Wallace's little novel of 1996 via Goodreads, Infinite Summer, The Howling Fantods, etc., this is probably the hundredth or so online post you've come across....
3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: An excellent book. Shows vast advances since Infinite Jest in terms of DFW's ability to examine complex thought processes and emotions. Dispenses with a lot of the sci-fi curlicues of IJ, though still depicting an extremely rich and detailed alternate reality. In addition to thin...
4.27 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: This was good. Obviously McCain isn't super relevant right now, but it was interesting to read DFW's take on politics and I always enjoy his writing and the extended, spirally logic of his arguments. I never knew why McCain got the "maverick" moniker, so it was interesting to h...
3.79 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: This one was okay, and probably recommended for fans only. With that said, when you find yourself stumbling upon this book years from now, I don't think that you'll feel compelled to pick up BOTH FLESH AND NOT and give it a re-read. Posthumously published,...
3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: This was the first book I read (well, actually listened to the audiobook) by David Foster Wallace. I knew his work could be challenging to read but that this one wasn't as difficult as Infinite Jest. Now that I've read The Pale King, I have a huge appreciation for Wallace as an a...
4.27 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: Rolling Stone puts a reporter on the bus of what first is a marginal candidate for president who becomes the front runner and tells him to write what he sees. Sound familiar? The magazine did the same in 1971 when Hunter S. Thompson covered the George McGovern campaign, and Thomp...