Books: 5 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.82
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Dean Hughes

4.16 of 5 Votes: 4
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Books by Dean Hughes
The Winds and the Waves (2012)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: It took me forever to finish this book as I was listening to it on tape. I read much faster it seems. Anyway, it was a good book, the first in a series of 3. There was a lot of church history covered as it started out in England in the 1840's when Wilford Woodruff was a missio...
The Wind and the Waves (2000)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I am a huge Dean Hughes fan for two reasons. First, I think he develops characters well, making the books he writes very readable. Second, he does his research. I really appreciate being able to read a book and know that the author knows his stuff and that what he writes is ac...
Come to Zion - The Wind and the Waves: Volume 1 (2012)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: If you are interested in the history of Nauvoo, then this book might hold your interest. There are two stories going on. One set back as Nauvoo is being settled in the 1800's the other in current day. The story in the 1800's is much more interesting. I picked up book 2 in the...
The Cost of Winning: Coming in First Across the Wrong Finish Line (2008)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I read most of the book feeling like it would get a '3-star' rating from me. It had some very insightful ideas that made you stop and think, but the same ideas were repeated chapter after chapter with different examples and angles.Then, I love the last two chapters that share gr...
Missing in Action (2010)
3.6 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I am on a quest to find young adult books that have strong Native American characters. Missing in Action fits the bill. Set in WWII, Jay moves to a small town where he deals with his own identity. His father is Navajo and MIA in the war, is one of few Native Americans in the a...
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