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Sacred Ground: Pluralism, Prejudice, And The Promise Of America (2012)

by Eboo Patel(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 5
0807077488 (ISBN13: 9780807077481)
Beacon Press
review 1: An excellent if basic introduction to the importance of Interfaith efforts in the modern world. Patel draws on his experiences leading the Interfaith Youth Corps to describe much of what works and what doesn't. I wish he went into more depth and offered more practical advice for promoting interfaith activities. Nevertheless, the book clearly articulates the need to find a way to honor ones own faith without denigrating the faith of others. This alone makes it well worth the read.
review 2: Not much here that is new to me since attending one of IFYC's leadership institutes, so Eboo is still preaching to the choir. But I would sing in Eboo Patel's choir any day of the week. Why? Because this is the gospel I've been waiting to hear since I was six years old,
... more when my first questions surfaced about how Mom's church was different from Dad's church and what to do with my divided loyalties. In all that time, not one person told me that I could celebrate religious diversity as a full and faithful Christian. It's not that my parents and others didn't provide good examples. It's just that Patel is right--we didn't have a language for it. He articulated convictions that I had to work out day by day in the real world, and it was such a relief to hear them. I could not have predicted that the person to give me the greatest comfort in a Christian identity would turn out to be a Muslim. But as he says, "Sometimes you need a bird to tell you that it's cool to be a fish." I want to be that relief to somebody else. less
Reviews (see all)
Some good ideas, but the stories of anti-Muslim incidents made me very sad.
Interesting... but Patel is a more engaging speaker than writer.
Important words - it really resonated with me
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