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Roses (2013)

by G.R. Mannering(Favorite Author)
3.75 of 5 Votes: 2
1620879883 (ISBN13: 9781620879887)
Sky Pony Press
review 1: You know it was actually pretty interesting until the Beauty and the Beast plot took off. I mean some things weren't well defined, the whole magic blood/creatures. The fact that there is apparently a country that is called "The Neighbour" Really? Why would you name your country that? I would get it if it was a country that everyone in story one, were all just too afraid to name but I never took that away from this. Also the tragic childhood wore a bit thin after the 18th thousand person hated her because of her looks. And then suddenly without warning she was beautiful the entire time. /gasp. Well that plot point ended sooner then I'd have liked. BUT that was all wonderful compared to the dullness of the actual Beauty and the the Beast plot. The beast was dull, flat and ... moreuninteresting, and the whole, she is ugly too was scrapped before it even reached the magical castle. It even felt like it was just retelling the disney version at some points.And then the ending was a confusing mess and I was glad to be rid of it.
review 2: I was very excited when I started reading, I love re-tellings of fairytales and this one had fantastic reviews. Sadly, I was very wrong. This book starts off quite interesting, but we spend half the novel focused on Beauty's character who mysterious background isn't so mysterious and whom i don't really care about. Of this had been a book only about Beauty it would make more sense, but throwing in the Beauty and the Beast story in the last 100 pages and try it to make it seam together just doesn't work. This a case of "lets try to make this popular by throwing in a fairytale" and instead we get a combination of elements that don't go together at all. less
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A fabulous introduction by a new bright young talent.
No complaints. I....just.. LOVED THIS
Loved this version! What a classic!
Really enjoyed this! 4.5/5.
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