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Language Wars (2011)

by Henry Hitchings(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
1848542089 (ISBN13: 9781848542082)
John Murray Publishers
review 1: This is an excellent book. It's not a fast or easy read simply because there's so much here to digest...and it's all good. The breadth and scope of Hitchings's research is breathtaking and informs a comprehensive evaluation of the struggles throughout its history that the English language has undergone as innumerable people attempt to codify and standardize its use. There can be few if any corners of this ongoing fight that he doesn't cover, not only with erudition and rich diction but occasional flashes of humour: Chapter 12's title is "Of fish-knives and fist-fucks."If you are at all interested in the present state of our rich, evocative and ever-changing tongue as it is spoken, written, spelled, and punctuated or in how it evolved from its historical roots, get this ... morebook and savour its insights and explanations. And yes, Mr. Hitchings, I DO use split infinitives.
review 2: About to embark, in September, on a Translation degree, I thought it a good idea to brush up on my rather lamentable English skills and thoroughly cast myself into the depths of this book. It is a worthy and interesting read in which the history of our language is explored. What gave rise to the way we speak in today's world and what, indeed, will tomorrow's English be? The author introduces a multitude of well-spun anecdotes from the most famous of our English language writers in addition to tales of those people who were, behind-the-scenes, most influential on the evolution of our tongue. I found the contrasts between UK English and international English most enthralling and equally the chapters on dialogue and accent were riveting. It is interesting to note how the future of our language will be shaped not by English English-speakers but by the vast hordes of foreign speakers of English. The language's rise to international prominence means that many of the traditions and histories entailed in the book will be overlooked as we step towards future's embrace. This book may be a bit mundane and high-brow to the average reader. I found it suitably challenging, intellectual and enlightening. A goodread good read. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting book if you are into languages. Sort of dense and slow reading though.
A little dense. Had some good pieces in it but have to push your way through it.
very cool book about language and how it's changed over the years.
Pretty dry, I skipped chapters toward the end.
More than you ever wanted to know........
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