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A Sweet Disorder (2009)

by Jacqueline Kolosov(Favorite Author)
3.6 of 5 Votes: 5
1423112458 (ISBN13: 9781423112457)
review 1: The book is quite an interesting one, a young woman with greatly damaged family prospects goes to the court of Queen Elizabeth I to try and gain her favour and write herself a new destiny.This story may as well have taken place in a fantasy novel for all the historical inaccuracies, in some places it was truly painful to read, I don't understand why the author would choose a time period and then not bother to do research. That been said, the knowledge of sewing and embroidery seemed pretty sound (something which means a great deal to the character) and the plotting and intrigue of court was quite well done although there seemed to be an absence of men in places, leaving all the plots and secret conversations to the women. The love interest was a bit boring, and he seemed t... moreo go from being quite fond of the protagonist to 'it's us against the world' sort of love.Overall it's a good read but take it more as a fantasy novel where the Queen just happens to be called a Elizabeth and you'll save yourself a lot of teeth-grinding.
review 2: Sixteen-year-old Miranda is an Elizabethan girl dreaming of marrying her sweetheart Henry Raleigh. The her father dies deeply in debt and Miranda's world is changed forever. Her father's friend Lord Grey petitions thr Queen to reduce the debt but it isn't enough. Miranda's suitor cries off and Miranda is sent to live with distant relatives she's never met in order to prepare for appearing at court. Her new guardian, the Countess of Turbrury is strict and dour and Miranda's new home is gloomy. She misses her mother and the beauty of her old life. She finds a friend in the maid's daughter but they must meet secretly. Finally, Miranda is ready to appear at court. She hopes to find a true friend among the other maidens but learns that she must be wary and not place her trust in the wrong people. To complicate matters, Henry Raleigh is also at court and Miranda isn't sure if he's still the same man she fell in love with. There's also the handsome, charming Kyd, a commoner who befriends Miranda and offers to help her find a way out of the awful marriage the Countess has planned for her. Miranda hopes her sewing and embroidery skills will win her the favor of Queen Elizabeth and gain her her freedom. Miranda has to navigate the Queen's tricky moods and overcome the Queen's jealousy of her mother. By the time the story is done, Miranda has managed to create a "sweet disorder" in court. This novel has many wonderful details about period clothing and life in Elizabeth I's time. The writing is lovely and the story flows nicely. I couldn't put it down until I found out what happened to Miranda. The story is sweet but rather unrealistic. Even so, I enjoyed it. I recommend this book for teens. Adults who are mildly interested in the period and looking for a sweet romantic story rather than an epic or saga found in adult novels will like this book too. less
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It is not bad, but I was hoping for the story plot to be more exciting that it is...
Great book, but has boring parts.
it was pretty good
**2.5 Stars
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